16 Air Travel Tips to Follow for Smooth Flying

By | November 21, 2019

With inclement weather delays to in-flight problems, anything can happen when you’re traveling via airline. The good news is, being prepared for the unexpected can be simple and easy. These travel tips for airline travel will show you the best way to handle a canceled flight, how to take a shower at the airport, and everything in between.

Air travel tip #1: Don’t wait at the gate desk when your flight is canceled

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Don’t get discouraged over a canceled flight just yet. The best way to handle an off-schedule flight is to call the airline as you wait on line at the ticket desk. There’s a good chance you’ll reach a phone agent first. Equally as important, you won’t have to negotiate with the same frazzled agent who’s dealt with dozens of similarly disgruntled fliers. These are the things airlines won’t tell you, but every flier should know.

Air travel tip #2: Don’t expect non-peak crowds on peak days

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Larger crowds lead to more chaotic parking and drop-off situations and longer wait times at security checkpoints. Plan accordingly. In general, airports are most crowded on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons, as these days bear the brunt of business travel. Expect Fridays to get even busier in the summer months as recreational travel peaks. You’ll find the biggest crowds of the year on Thanksgiving Eve as well as the Sunday after it. And unsurprisingly, the busiest week to fly is the one that falls between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day; the Department of Transportation found that the number of long-distance travelers during this period rises by 23 percent.

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