Caffeine and women’s health

By | May 4, 2018

Caffeine has some negative effects on the consciousness of health for all, but women should be the impact on specific issues related to them. Although these effects vary depending on individual tolerance to the drug, and how much caffeine they are doing, there are some health problems that are gender-specific, very specific.

The most obvious place to start is probably the effect of caffeine on pregnancy. The good news for all those> Women in their daily coffee fix used is that there is no need to completely kick the habit in most cases. (Ask your doctor to make sure). Most of the damage is studies have shown that moderate consumption of caffeine (not 200) mg per day the child. On the other hand is doing, the research shows a possible link between an increased risk of miscarriage and the consumption of more than 300 mg of caffeine per day.

In addition to possible fetal complications, and the theme is the impactmother herself of caffeine on caffeine is a stimulant and can cause nervousness, headaches and irritability; things that every mother-to-be offered to contain caffeine. Furthermore, if a pregnant woman get their caffeine from coffee or tea, should be concerned about the lack of iron. Both of these drinks contain phenols, compounds that are limiting the absorption of iron. Because many pregnant women have iron deficiency, this is just anotherReason to cut you.

Once the baby is born, raised the issue of breast-feeding while taking caffeine. Even here, moderate consumption is recommended, and seems to be no serious risk to the baby present. Probably best not to be quenched directly night after drinking beverages containing caffeine. Because it takes longer for a child caffeine from his system, breast-feeding in the evening was a thread in the wake of the consumption of caffeine may lead to a long nightMother and child.

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Another health hazard that affects mostly women, such as caffeine are influenced osteoporosis. One of the effects of caffeine reduces calcium absorption in the body, and this may help – though not usually on a large scale – the onset of osteoporosis, which is characterized by deterioration of bone mass. Osteoporosis often leads to falls and fractures, usually from a broken hip. Although there are many otherThe most important factors that consumption of caffeine, which is the worsening of this condition, including the inevitable enemy brings genetics, excessive consumption, a factor that can be controlled. To review all the women, high risk, which should meet in conjunction with osteoporosis, seriously reduce the amount of caffeine you take in every day.

In addition to these concerns was the search, is made a connection between fibrocystic breast disease andCaffeine. A study conducted in 1970, this interest began with the observation that the caffeine in a group of compounds was included seemed to be linked to the disease. Although subsequent research has the validity of this study to the point where reducing caffeine intake is not recommended for people with symptoms, called into question, most doctors recommend that every woman who thinks a note increased sensitivity of the breast, which coincides with the consumption of caffeine should be limitedthe amount you take.

Recent research has also linked the question many long-held assumptions cancer caffeine. Breast cancer, cysts, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and all have at one time or another object of clinical trials with caffeine consumption. The good news is that there is still a definitive link between caffeine consumption at all levels and the development of cancer. The disadvantage is that, as with most of these types of studies,Caffeine can not be definitively ruled out as a factor.

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Finally, caffeine does not seem to have a role in fertility, which did not prevent or help design.

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