Best generic for klonopin 5mg price

By | 12.07.2018

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2 thoughts on “Best generic for klonopin 5mg price

  1. Nern

    Several years ago my life long difficulties with startles escalated to classic hyperekplexia. After some research, my suggestions to both a geriatric psychiatrist and movement disorder specialist agreed to try Klonopin ... .5 mg twice/day. Worked fine to decrease intensity and frequency of "attacks." I also have dystonia and as the cervical "storms" increased, they increased Klonopin to .5 three times a day. Helped some but does not extinguish the disorders ... nothing will. One just has to avoid the "triggers," if possible.

  2. Vokus

    This medication has done wonders for me and a lot of other people I know I swear I wouldn't ever wish panic anxiety disorder on my worst enemy's. It is the worst and I'm sure you all know that Klonopin has helped so very much. I Would have to say that it is definitely the best benzo and I have been on all of them at one point or another.

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