Klonopin used for weight loss

By | 14.07.2018

klonopin used for weight loss

Jul 12, - Klonopin, the brand name for clonazepam, belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Klonopin is mainly prescribed to treat anxiety, panic attacks. Nov 16, - Certain things we eat improve our mood in a positive way. So we are inclined to eat more when we are in good mood. Klonopin can be considered from this angle. However, there seems to be no direct cause related to weight gain or weight loss, when Klonopin is taken. klonopin weight gain. Steady state. Simply add Wellburtrin XL to your Klonopin and your appetite will return to normal or will be less. I can see why the FDA refused to approve Wellburtrin as a weight loss drug when GlaxoSmithKline submitted their drug for that use several years ago. The FDA deemed the weight loss to be too small to market.

Klonopin used for weight loss -

Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Therefore, significant weight loss while on Klonopin should not be ignored. I thought these 2 meds were known to be weight neutral or cause weight loss. I know that In order to stop eating at night I got to stop smoking pot. However, I will let you decide.. I can now say I am nearly depression free. If I stopped taking all meds, would I lose the weight and go back to my normal size. Natural Alternatives to Klonopin. Announcements Weight Help and Feedback. So your comments above make it sound like Klonopin may not be the drug for me since loss is helpful in managing panic attacks. I have been on it for 3 weeks and haven't seen any weight loss or side effects. Does For and the Wellbutrin have some used of negative reaction when taken with Tareg? I'm on an anti-depressant klonopin.


3 thoughts on “Klonopin used for weight loss

  1. Tulkree

    I don't experience panic attacks like I used to, but I do feel depressed sometimes while on the meds.

  2. Shakashakar

    I took my first pill last night, and feel better already! I had never before suffered from anxiety, until I started a new and very stress-filled job. I held my own at first, but the past few months really took it's toll on my physical health. Yesterday, I truly believed I was having either a heart attack, or panic attack...I've never had a panic attack, never! Rushed to my doctor who looked at me and said- I've never seen you look like this before. After explaining how my job was affecting my life, and talking about different stress/anxiety relievers, and making time for me, he wrote the prescription. I was hesitant to take, but slept like a baby for the first time in months! I will check back as I continue with the medication.

  3. Arashizilkree

    This medicine is a life saver, Panic and agoraphobia are gone Thank U Klonopin!!

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