2 thoughts on “Best klonopin generic brands of accutane lawsuit settlements

  1. JoJojin

    I also have been on and off Klonopin and Xanax. I love the way xanax kicks in quick. And you can actually feel your trouble melt away and your anxiety. When it comes to what I now prefer is the klonopin, it last longer it has a long half life and it not as additive as the xanax. I became very tolerant to xanax and it became a problem because I had to take more because it wears off so fast. Klonopin doesn't do that so it really helps people that suffer with panic anxiety.

  2. Yozshunos

    Klonopin helps my anxiety, panic disorder, and insomnia... I take it on an as needed basis and it's one mg tablet

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