Buy klonopin new york ny

By | 24.01.2018

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3 thoughts on “Buy klonopin new york ny

  1. Nejora

    I am a 16 year old girl who has suffered with extreme anxiety and severe depression since I was 9. The reason why I was so depressed was mainly because I was mildly depressed so they put me on cymbalta and I suffered from the "black box warning" in which adolescents and teens can experience suicidal thoughts and actions. that really messed me up. I'd have panic attacks where I was convinced I wanted to, and I'd puke and shake and stuff. it still happens but when it does my parents give me 0.25mg (I'm very very lightweight so they don't want a lot in my system) and it seems I work alright. I'd like to take it everyday but my parents are so hesitant to give it to me.

  2. Mauzahn

    I was taken off of ativan 1mg x3 per day and switched to klonopin. This drug made me ache all over and my joints, had crying bouts and sever depression with very dark thoughts. I finally got switched back. I hate this drug. Made me want to sleep all the time as well zero energy and aggressive.

  3. Shaktijinn

    I have been orally using Diazepam, (VALIUM) 10 mg. tabs- Qty: 90 monthly. 1 tab 3x a day q 8

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