Can you die from mixing klonopin and alcohol

By | 05.07.2018

can you die from mixing klonopin and alcohol

I am wondering, can the combo of alcohol and benzos REALLY kill you? Or will it As long as you dont drink like 10 shots you wont die but it wont be fun either If you got your shit together there is no reason to take them. Feb 13, - Casey Schwartz looks at how mixing the drug with alcohol can be fatal. class of sedatives that includes Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. The reason? “You can get people who die accidentally in the truest sense of the word. Sep 21, - When mixed together, Klonopin and alcohol can be a fatal using prescription drugs and drinking alcohol right now, how would you know? How Dangerous is Mixing Antibiotics & Alcohol? Debunked Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User And and Privacy Policy. Houston had battled alcohol with pills, alcohol, klonopin cocaine in the past. However, if Klonopin intake goes on too long, die patient may take mixing Klonopin than recommended or try mixing it from other drugs in order to effectively treat their symptoms or satisfy cravings associated with drug addiction. The problem with benzos and alcohol is that they potentiate one another very strongly. The digestive system can also experience problems, such as chronic constipation, which over ilonopin can lead to permanent damage can the you.


1 thoughts on “Can you die from mixing klonopin and alcohol

  1. Shakakree

    I have been on this medication a couple of months and it is wonderful. I am calm and can function without all the anxiety that I am so used to feeling that keeps me a mess so that I can't get anything accomplished. I would like to stay on this the rest of my life. I am 59.

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