Klonopin withdrawal symptoms dosedr

By | 06.08.2018

klonopin withdrawal symptoms dosedr

: Klonopin withdrawal symptoms dosedr


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3 thoughts on “Klonopin withdrawal symptoms dosedr

  1. Tadal

    Approximately twenty years ago, I was taken by ambulance twice and once by car to ER where they gave me something that calmed me. It was similar to a seizure. Nothing ever triggered these attacks. It just came upon me very fast. I was enjoying my career and life; I'm very social. My doctor finally sent me to a Psychologist and he diagnosed me with panic attacks. There was a name for this!! I was prescribed something similar to Klonopin and when Klonopin came on the market, he prescribed 0.5mg twice a day. I have had no adverse side effects, only positive. I have never had another panic attack and do not plan to ever stop taking Klonopin. I am the same person I was and live life to the fullest in a new phase of 'early retirement'!!

  2. Kazralkis

    Works good for the most part. My previous Dr. had me on 10mg of Valium for 3 years but when I moved and started seeing another she put me on Klonipin 1mg but my dose was incresed to 2mg twice a day, I was out of town and ran out and started going through withdrawls . My head was fuzzy, I couldnt think I felt like I couldnt get though the day. I lasted for 2wks until I got my refill. Now Im so scared to stop this addictive drug because I already know what to expect. I think I might need a Rehab, what did I get myself into?

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