Generic klonopin clonazepam medication classification template

By | 12.09.2018

generic klonopin clonazepam medication classification template

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: Generic klonopin clonazepam medication classification template

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3 thoughts on “Generic klonopin clonazepam medication classification template

  1. Akinorn

    Approximately twenty years ago, I was taken by ambulance twice and once by car to ER where they gave me something that calmed me. It was similar to a seizure. Nothing ever triggered these attacks. It just came upon me very fast. I was enjoying my career and life; I'm very social. My doctor finally sent me to a Psychologist and he diagnosed me with panic attacks. There was a name for this!! I was prescribed something similar to Klonopin and when Klonopin came on the market, he prescribed 0.5mg twice a day. I have had no adverse side effects, only positive. I have never had another panic attack and do not plan to ever stop taking Klonopin. I am the same person I was and live life to the fullest in a new phase of 'early retirement'!

  2. Nadal

    I take zoloft and the mix was a nightmare!!! it made me more agitated than I normally am ever! beware!

  3. Kigore

    I started having panic attacks that rendered me unable to even get up. My first one landed me in the hospital. I was disoriented, rooms looked like they were sideways, objects that were not moving looked like they were, I couldn't get enough air in, I needed to close my eyes, driving was out of the question and I was nauseated and terrified. After two weeks of being out of work I was put on Klonopin along with antidepressants. It is the only thing that has allowed me to function like I could before the panic/anxiety attacks started. The only drawback is that I have to take it at the same time each day and cannot miss a doseage or the dizziness, panic and feeling like I am going to pass out comes back. It has been a life saver.

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