Klonopin withdrawal symptoms doseum discount

By | 09.11.2018

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3 thoughts on “Klonopin withdrawal symptoms doseum discount

  1. Moran

    Have been on Klonopin for 6 years, 1 mgm a day. After using Xanax and several others, Klonopin has been totally effective for treatment of my panic disorder. sure that is psychological but whatever the reason, it works 100% of the time.

  2. Takasa

    If anybody has input that would be great.. I took klonopin for anxiety disorder. It made me have no appetite, stay wide awake at night, feel superior to anybody else. Honestly felt fantastic and I was losing weight. A week or so later I broke down in major tears, had to leave work. On the way home had a bad panic attack. Went to the hospital where I was prescribed ativan. I've never had an issue since and I only take it when I feel anxious. It was the weirdest experience ever and the doctors can't explain it.

  3. Vikasa

    I do like this medicine because it helps me to control my nervousness and instant reactions to stimuli much better than without it. I almost can pretend I'm normal. And because of its long shelf-life, if I want to reduce my dose because it can make me feel moody and lethargic after continuously taking it for a while...there's no side effects other than feeling better. Its easy to manage my own mood by upping or lowering my intake on the same prescription. I may go a week without it and feel fine, but when I start to get heart palpitations and my mind blanks out when I'm confronted, I begin to take it again. That way it helps me to stabilize but I'm not relying on it ALL the time.

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