Generic versus non generic klonopin 1mg

By | 25.11.2018

generic versus non generic klonopin 1mg

Generic versus non generic klonopin 1mg -

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1 thoughts on “Generic versus non generic klonopin 1mg

  1. Tarisar

    I used to have panic and anxiety very bad, for many years I self medictaed with illegal drugs. Finally, at 29 yrs old I wearily went to a doctor who gave me klonopin and an anti-depressant. In one hour I gradually felt all the panic go away, anxiety was gone. I really smiled for the first time, the world was great. I was contemplating suicide a day before I was prescribed klonopin, this drug saved my life. I continue to take it 1mg twice a day with lexapro 20mg. My life is good and I am happy, but now my mental health doctor reads that benzo medication "may" lead to dementia,etc. So now she wants me to stop taking it, she says she does not want her name on anything linked to her prescribing benzos. Now I must detox? Find another Doctor!!

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