Generic klonopin clonazepam 2mg tablets

By | 24.06.2018

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1 thoughts on “Generic klonopin clonazepam 2mg tablets

  1. Sataur

    I was prescribed Klonopin for anxiety. Within a month, it stopped working. I built a tolerance to the drug. What I DID not know was that the drug is HIGHLY physically addictive. I spoke to a Neurologist who told me that is as addictive as heroin or alcohol. She told me that it is VERY dangerous to withdraw from Klonopin suddenly. She gave me a slow taper schedule, but it was VERY difficult. I experienced tremors, nausea, and sweats during the withdrawal period. After the last does, it took 35 hours to completely leave my system...and the anxiety came back with a vengeance. This drug should only be used for a very short time. In my opinion, Klonopin should have a black box warning on the label.

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