3 thoughts on “Generic klonopin clonazepam medications for fibromyalgia

  1. Vuk

    It is working much better than the xanax and I like the brand mylan better than the teva.. Hope this helps some out there..

  2. Ganos

    Takes time to come up, this is a problem when you have a panic attack, suicidal thoughts and anxiety go away within an hour but they go away, it's like a emergency button, it has saved my life from suicide. Dependence builds within months.

  3. Luccile

    I have suffered from anxiety and severe panic attacks most of my life, and klonopin has worked wonders at helping calm me and feel 'normal' again! I take .50-.75 mg once a day and it has allowed me to function fine with no side effects or drowsiness.

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