3 thoughts on “Klonopin tapering protocols of zion

  1. Tutaxe

    After being treated on 4 antipsychotics and two mood stabilizers for bipolar hypo manic disorder I have never felt better in 10 years Currently on seroquel 400mg XR ( Three tablets at bedtime) take 1 to 2 mg Klonipin daily as needed. Never felt better. Tried other sleep aids like trazadone and other tcas. Nothing. Best with klonipin because of no cravings of physical need because half life long and one doesn't get a high off klonopin because very slow onset.

  2. Gozilkree

    I had been taking 3mg or xanax(alprazalam) and was taken of cold turkey. It was a nightmare, litterly. I had 3 days and 2 nights of hallucinating, and was alone thru it all. I was put on klonopin, 1mg, and finally I was sane again. The world was not so hard and bright, I didn't feel like losing control and best of all, it didn't turn me into a zombie, which xanax did. Thank heavens for clonopin, it gave me my life back.

  3. Kagakasa

    I was prescribed Clonazepam 1mg and was told to take 1\2 -1 pill every 12 hours, this medication I have taken for three days now and it has helped me feel more like myself, I had been suffering for 4 months with too many symptoms to mention, and I am thankful for finding the right medicine for me.

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