Pain Reliever Addiction And Rehabilitation

By | June 9, 2016

Opioids are commonly used as pain relievers. They are prescribed as pain relievers that effectively alleviates the pain a person experiences.There are mainly 3 analgesic effects of opioids: lessens perception of pain, lowers reaction to pain and increases pain tolerance.

Opiates are also referred to as narcotics. Its therapeutic benefits predate history. Morphine, oxycodone, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, fentanyl and pentazocine are the examples of narcotics which are used to decrease different levels of pain.

Low doses of opioids prevent the sensation of pain and the emotional response to pain. They produce euphoria, drowsiness, relaxation, difficulty concentrating, narrowed pupils, a slight decrease in respiratory rate, nausea, vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite and sweating. Higher doses intensify and prolong these effects.

Long-term use of narcotics can cause physical dependence, which means that when an individual wants to quit they go through withdrawal process. When this happen. people going through pain killer abuse withdrawal must consult a physician and find the most effective way to deal with its effects.

Early signs of withdrawal include agitation, anxiety, muscle aches, increased tearing, sleeplessness, runny nose, excessive sweating, and yawning. While late symptoms of withdrawal include abdominal cramping, dilated pupils, diarrhea, goose bumps, nausea, and vomiting. Opioid withdrawal reactions are very painful but aren’t deadly.

When abusers try to stop using painkillers abruptly they suffer devastating pain because of withdrawal. Abusers want to use this drug over and over again to get rid of these symptoms. It will be hard for addicts to eliminate the painkiller abuse in their lives. They need help from professionals.

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Addiction to pain killers and opiates is a disease that can be treated by modern medicine. There are many drugs available that help abusers manage and control their cravings. Methadone, Buprenorphine and Naltrexone are the common medicines used to cure the withdrawal symptoms.

It’s best to consult your health care practitioner or visit a rehab center to evaluate your problem. There are choices of treatment plans that will meet your needs. Talking to a therapist and joining a support group may also benefit an individual recovering from painkiller addiction. Helpful support groups that abusers could join are Narcotics Anonymous and SMART Recovery.

Treatment should be discussed with the patient and care should be done right away. Contact your physician today if you are using opiates or suffering from withdrawal. Your opiate abuse doesn’t have to last a lifetime. Relief from this struggle is within your reach.

Written by Ericka Lopez. To learn more tips on pain killer and opiate abuse , visit pain killer addiction withdrawal

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