Six innovative models for PrEP services

By | January 7, 2019

Zablotska IB et al. Getting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the people: opportunities, challenges and examples of successful health service models of PrEP implementation. Sexual Health 15: 481-484, 2018. (Abstract).

Sullivan PS & Siegler AJ. Getting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the people: opportunities, challenges and emerging models of PrEP implementation. Sexual Health 15: 522-527, 2018. (Abstract).

Schmidt HM et al. Nurse-led pre-exposure prophylaxis: a non-traditional model to provide HIV prevention in a resource-constrained, pragmatic clinical trial. Sexual Health 15: 595-597, 2018. (Abstract).

Refugio O et al. PrEPTECH: a Telehealth-Based Initiation Program for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Young Men of Color Who Have Sex With Men. A Pilot Study of Feasibility. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 80: 40-45, 2019. (Abstract).

Tung EL et al. Implementation of a community pharmacy-based pre-exposure prophylaxis service: a novel model for pre-exposure prophylaxis care. Sexual Health 15: 556-561, 2018. (Abstract).

Wood BR et al. Project ECHO: telementoring to educate and support prescribing of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis by community medical providers. Sexual Health 15: 601-605, 2018. (Abstract).

Phanuphak N et al. Princess PrEP program: The first key population-led model to deliver pre-exposure prophylaxis to key populations by key populations in Thailand. Sexual Health 15: 542-555, 2018. (Full text freely available).

Hood JE et al. Getting pre-exposure prophylaxis to high-risk transgender women: lessons from Detroit, USA. Sexual Health 15: 562-569, 2018. (Abstract).

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