Tag Archives: meditation

The Many Benefits of Meditation

There is growing evidence to show that meditation can make you healthier and happier. For example, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is sometimes used to treat depression, and brain imaging technology suggests meditation actually changes your brain in a number of beneficial ways. MRI scans have shown that long-term meditation can alter the structure of your… Read More »

What is the Science of Meditation?

Meditation is a centuries-old practice of getting in touch with one’s self, observing thoughts without judgment, and finding peace and ease with the present moment. Despite what many think meditation is, quieting the mind or shutting the mind off, meditation isn’t about that. It’s about connecting, observing, and letting your thoughts move along without attaching… Read More »

Mindfulness Meditation Lowers Stress

In our books we teach mindfulness meditation to combat stress and to promote health. We know that it is effective based upon our experience and the experience of participants in our programs. Now there is scientific proof that meditation is effective. Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center randomly assigned 89 people with anxiety disorders to… Read More »