The Exact Routine A Top Dermatologist Prescribed To Treat My Acne – Refinery29

By | January 16, 2019

“It is definitely a misconception that you only get spots in your teens,” says London-based dermatologist Dr. Justine Kluk. “Around 10 to 15% of women develop acne for the first time, or continue to suffer from it, well beyond their teenage years, and adult acne appears to be on the rise.” While it’s possible to get the same type of breakouts as an adult as when you’re a teenager, women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s tend to experience more zits on the lower third of their faces. “The sides of our cheeks and places like our neck and chin often bear the brunt,” Dr. Kluk says.
"allergy|acne" – Google News

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