Klonopin dose by weight

By | 25.04.2018

klonopin dose by weight

clonazepam is. 5-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydronitro-2H-1,4- benzodiazepinone. It is a light yellow crystalline powder. It has a molecular weight of Clonazepam pharmacokinetics are dose-independent throughout the dosing range. Study 1 was a 9-week, fixed-dose study involving Klonopin doses of , 1, 2, 3 or 4. Jul 30, - Clonazepam comes in tablets of , 1, and 2 milligrams (mg). A typical adult dose to treat seizures may start at mg a day, divided into three doses. Your doctor may gradually increase your dose to a maximum daily dose of 20 mg. A child's dose to treat seizures depends on weight. A typical adult dose to. Klonopin is administered orally. In order to minimize drowsiness, the initial dose for infants and children (up to 10 years of age or 30 kg of body weight) should be between and mg/kg/day but not to exceed mg/kg/day given in two or three divided doses. Dosage should be increased by no more than to Sign Up It's Free! Use this combination with caution. This weight get dose over time. A reduction in dose of the Klonopin depressant may be needed in some cases. Abrupt awakening can cause dysphoria, agitation, and possibly increased adverse effects.


3 thoughts on “Klonopin dose by weight

  1. Nara

    I've had panic attacks since I can remember. I recall my family DR.telling my mother that I would eventually need something for my nerves. I developed an irregular heartbeat around the age of 20. Of course, I am the last person who needed that symptom. I would go into a full blown panic attack and end up in the ER. My family Dr talked me into taking Xanax. I took .5 3 times a day like clockwork. Along with Tenormin for my afib.for 10 years . I then switched to Klonopin .5 3? daily. It was miracle. No side effects. After taking the same dose for 15 years, my new Dr dropped dropped it to twice daily. OK for about 6 months. I've been in the ER 5 times in the last 12 months. I need some good advice.

  2. Duzshura

    I've had panic disorder for 36 years, in addition to ptsd, and ocd. Clonazepam 1mg twice daily has enabled me to have some sort of life. Panic disorder reduces quality of life, and I more or less live in a bubble. However, integrated with CBT, I am finding that my "bubble" is expanding. I'm able to go out of the house, drive, and function throughout the day. After taking it for several years with success, my new psych wants me to discontinue it due to addictive properties. So, back to living in my bubble, I guess. Why do they create a useful medication, and then tell you that you can't take it any longer? Drs overprescribe, FDA cracks down, and those that benefit from it are left in the dirt.

  3. Zologal

    Very very effective drug. Better than diazepam, better than lorazepam. Long half life. This medication helped me stop drinking completely to mask my anxiety. I have chronic anxiety and sometimes can't go in stores. With clonazepam, when used responsibility, is my wonder drug. Been on 3 mg a day for 25 years. My doctor shuns on weaning me off, as this drug gave me my life back. It has helped me mend my relationships, I can go outside, and I don't feel like anyone's judging me. I take clonazepam with 40 mg propranolol a day and Seroquel at night. Who would have thought that I prescribed myself and my doctor agreed. Who ever made this benzo needs an award. Stay sober, don't do illicit drugs, take meds as instructed and again, don't drink! Thanks!

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