Low Vitamin D Levels Increase Risk of Chronic Headaches

By | May 29, 2020

A study has confirmed that having low vitamin D levels could increase your risk of getting chronic headaches. Serum vitamin D levels and occurrence of headaches were analysed in about 2,600 men between the ages of 42 and 60 years. The vitamin D level was less than 50 nmol/l in 68 percent of the participants, which is the normally considered vitamin D deficiency threshold. 250 men reported chronic headaches at least once a week, and lower vitamin D levels were found in men who reported chronic headaches compared to others.[1]

When the study participants were split into four groups determined by their serum vitamin D levels, the group having the lowest levels had more than double the risk of chronic headache compared to the group having the highest levels. Chronic headache was also more frequently reported by men who were analyzed in the winter months. In summer, average vitamin D levels are high due to the sun’s UVB radiation.

The study contributes to the mounting body of evidence connecting a low vitamin D intake to an increased risk of chronic diseases. Other, mostly substantially smaller studies have also linked low vitamin D levels to the risk of headaches.

In locations distant from the Equator, the sun’s UVB radiation is an adequate source of vitamin D throughout the summer months, but in the winter season, we need to ensure that we get adequate vitamin D from supplements or food.


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