Sleep Disorders Among Teenagers

By | June 16, 2016

Sleep disorders among teenagers affects between seven to ten percent of teenagers which are called Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, also known as DNS. By the time they reach young adulthood, many of these teenagers overgrow this disorder . Lower than one percent of adults are considered to have DSP. Often sleep disorder has been mistaken for insomnia by many people.

Left on their own, people with delayed sleep phase disorder would stay up until very late, sometimes until 4 or 5 a.m. They like to get up very late in the morning or early afternoon. Often they are referred to as night owls.

Many teenagers like to stay up late and sleep late in the morning. Sometimes this is because they want to socialize at that time of the day. However, it can also be due to the natural delay in the circadian sleep / wake rhythm at their age of development.

When teenagers frequently have a very hard time waking up in the morning for school is one of sleep disorders symptoms. Even if they go to bed at at the same time, such as 11 p.m., they toss and turn for hours like somebody with insomnia. They do have a very difficult time getting up early in the morning. Unlike an insomniac, people with delayed sleep phase disorder have no trouble staying asleep. Sleep disorders among teenagers commonly make the teenagers really tired during the day and may even fall asleep in the classroom. It is acknowledged for sure that it is a circadian rhythm problem. However,the definite cause of this sleep disorder is not known yet.

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Sleep disorder treatments are available for people that require to get onto a more traditional sleep / wake up schedule. Other sleep disorder treatments also include, bright light, chronotherapy, melatonin and nonprescription prescribed sleeping tablet.

One form of sleep disorder treatments are the bright light treatment for delayed sleep phase disorder uses bright light to trick the brain’s circadian clock . Exposure to bright light shifts the circadian rhythm if it is administered within a few hours of the body’s lowest temperature at night.

Sleep disorders among teenagers can be rather severe where in some cases, teenagers enduring delayed sleep phase disorder would need a week away from school called for to accomplished this therapy, chronotherapy which has been used as sleep disorder treatments for someone with delayed sleep phase disorder. It takes one week long of a block of time . In turn, daily bedtime is delayed by three hours. For instance, for someone that falls asleep at 2 a.m. but prefer to fall asleep at 11. p.m., their bedtime would move to 5 a.m. in the beginning. The succeeding day it would move to 8 a.m. and keep on with this cycle for a week. When the craved bed time is attained it is very crucial to maintain a uniform wake up time.

Several drugs have been used as sleep disorder treatments to treat delayed sleep phase disorder. One of them is Melatonin which has been successful in altering the sleep cycle of people with this sleep disorder. While prescription medication such as Ramelteon, and other sleeping pills, have also been successful in addressing teenagers and adults with delayed sleep phase disorder.


If your teenager has trouble falling asleep and always wants to stay up late, be aware of the possibility that a sleep disorder may be present. Parents and teachers should be informed of sleep disorders among teenagers so that they are more observant with the sleep disorders symptoms and sleep disorder treatments can be sought.

Sleep problems can be cured employing several methods, but it can turn in some cases a severe illness if not addressed in good order and kept under control, so check out Suzy Hughes’ free articles on natural-treatment-for-sleep-apnea

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