Tag Archives: good

Pain Management – Sharing Is Good But Not When It Comes To Pain Killers

We have heard about the consequences of pain killer overdose. We have also been told about the side effects of most over-the-counter pain killers such as liver damage, stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding. There are, however, a number of other dangers we should look out for when dealing with over-the-counter and even prescription pain killers.… Read More »

Few Good Ways to Reduce Panic Attacks

There are a number of medications available in the market foe panic disorders. However, you are recommended to consult a medical professional before you opt for any medication for panic disorder. There have found to be extremely effective and works best when combined with certain relaxation exercises. The medications that are used to treat panic… Read More »

Do You Know a Good Panic Cure?

Do you know a good panic cure? If you are struggling with panic attacks on a regular basis, you might have a panic disorder. Once you have had one panic attack, you are far more likely to experience another one again. Since the panic attacks can occur anywhere without warning, many people start to avoid… Read More »

Don’t let a doctor prescribe you a benzo medication like klonopin, here’s a good reason why.

If you get even one prescription of a benzodiazepine medication like klonopin (clonazepam), valium (diazepam), xanax (alprazolam), and ativan (lorazepam), etc. your brain will likely become physically dependent on them after a few weeks use and you could end up like me here or worse. You could end up with countless pill bottles of something… Read More »