Tag Archives: Scientists

Why Do Scientists Defend Poison?

Why is there so much deceitful science published these days? Mainstream articles regularly assure people that glyphosate, vaccines and fluoride are safe, and that soft drinks and other junk food are not linked to obesity. The answer is that virtually every major industry uses front groups and paid, corrupt researchers to spout their propaganda and… Read More »

A global database of women scientists is diversifying the face of science

Underrepresentation of women scientists in the public sphere perpetuates the stereotype of the white male scientist and fails both to reflect the true diversity of people practicing science today and to encourage more diversity. In a new article publishing April 23 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology, Dr. Elizabeth McCullagh and colleagues from the grassroots… Read More »

Scientists grow perfect human blood vessels in a petri dish

Breakthrough technology advances research of vascular diseases like diabetes Scientists have managed to grow perfect human blood vessels as organoids in a petri dish for the first time. The breakthrough engineering technology, outlined in a new study published today in Nature, dramatically advances research of vascular diseases like diabetes, identifying a key pathway to potentially prevent… Read More »

Medical News Today: Scientists confirm the role of 'molecular switch' in Parkinson's disease

Scientists have confirmed that a protective cell mechanism can be disrupted in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease. The mechanism protects cells against damage caused by faulty mitochondria, the small power units that produce cells’ energy. Researchers confirm that in Parkinson’s, a faulty molecular switch triggers the degeneration of neurons. In the past week,… Read More »