Klonopin tapering in mental health

By | 29.11.2018

klonopin tapering in mental health

Jun 13, - Klonopin (Clonazepam) is a benzodiazepine drug that is commonly prescribed for management of epileptic seizures as well as anxiety and panic attacks. It is widely regarded as a first-line treatment option for seizures, but is not a viable long term treatment solution based on the fact that patients quickly. Even when dealing with intense withdrawal symptoms, the therapeutic work of recovery can begin. It is helpful to talk to a case manager, nurse, or therapist during detox to get tips on how to manage the emotional and mental health symptoms that often occur in clonazepam detox and to have solid, emotional support. Dec 1, - Tapering off Klonopin. As addressed, benzodiazepines like Klonopin are used to treat and regulate myriad issues attributed to mental health. It can be difficult to quit the drug for reasons beyond being physically dependent on it. The fear of resurging mental health problems, known as rebound effects, once.


3 thoughts on “Klonopin tapering in mental health

  1. Kazralabar

    Started on Klonopin about 5 yrs. ago, in conjunction with Zoloft for depression combined with panic disorder. It absolutely worked miracles for controlling the panic disorder ( for some reason I prefer to call them anxiety attacks, sounds less severe). Initially I had been put on Celexa & Valium. At some point Zoloft replaced the Celexa, & Klonopin replaced the Valium. Good moves on both fronts. Then, Abilify was added. HUGE MISTAKE FOR ME. While initially I thought I felt better, it was almost like the 'manic' phase of bi-polar. I had a period of time where I made some bizarre life choices, became extremely selfish, but at the same time felt invincible. After one of those poor life choices backfired spectacularly, I made the connection to the Abilify. Switched psychiatrists, she took me off, & things have been much better since.

  2. Kazrarg

    I tried several other medications to treat my anxiety and panic attacks, this is the only medication that made me feel good without feeling like a zombie..

  3. Najora

    klonopin has helped me for years but i fear getting off. i think we all do. my panic disorder has subsided and i am very pleased how well it mixes with my other meds

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