Buy klonopin texas houston

By | 10.06.2018

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: Buy klonopin texas houston

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2 thoughts on “Buy klonopin texas houston

  1. Arataxe

    I had been diagnosed with acute anxiety disorder in my early 20's (I'm now almost 40). In my opinion I would rate Klonopin at the top of all benzodiazepines (and i've tried almost all of them) as it has a relatively long half-life (lasts longer than most benzos). I have been taking .25mg (1/2 of a .5mg tablet) daily for nearly a decade now, and I have had no urge or need to increase my dosage (although it does take discipline to take the absolutely smallest effective amount without wanting to experiment with more). This dosage, combined with regular cardio excercise, has eliminated what was once extreme debilitating panic/anxiety. If you're going to start this medication, take small amounts (experiment with the smallest dosage possible that still remedies your anxiety, etc). Don't ever get into the habit of taking more, and stay indifferent to people, doctors, the media, etc, who criticize the use of this medication. Become comfortable with the likelihood that you may need to take this medication permanently. In other words, if you maintain a small daily dose regimin, there's no need to put yourself through the pain of ceasing the use of this wonderful medication. I am certain it is much more harmful to stop taking this medication than it would be to continue to use it responsibly for a life-time.

  2. Zulkirn

    I am a middle aged man, who has had anxiety my whole life. In addition, I have a very stressful job. About three years ago, my wife convinced me to see a doctor. I had never taken any sort of anti-anxiety medication previously. The doctor prescribed Klonopin, but was very adamant about taking it only as needed. The prescription says 1mg, twice a day. But I only take, on average, two pills a week, when I'm really stressed. As many people here have said, it started out great, then faded with time. Although it definitely helps; it's not pleasant. It's almost as if it makes me so sleepy, I'm too tired to be stressed. Two years ago, I would have given it a 9. I still recommend it. Other than sleepiness, I have no other adverse effects.

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