Generic klonopin clonazepam 2mg vs xanax

By | 28.09.2018

generic klonopin clonazepam 2mg vs xanax

Generic klonopin clonazepam 2mg vs xanax -

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3 thoughts on “Generic klonopin clonazepam 2mg vs xanax

  1. Grom

    just looking for dependence and along with that withdrawal symptoms as i quit cold turkey a week ago

  2. Mikam

    I can take 0.5 mg twice a day as needed. Some days I don't take it. It helps so much even with my depression. I take one of these if I'm planning on killing myself because I'm suicidal every day, & the urge wil pass once this calms me down. I take it for anxiety, panic attacks, & twitches/seizures.

  3. Gulrajas

    I have been taking clonazepam for 5 years and it has totally blocked my daily panic attacks. No sedation or tiredness either. I occasionally take an Ativan if my panic goes out of control, but in my opinion, it is the same, but better than xanax because it lasts much longer. Love xanax though.

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