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By | 05.09.2018

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1 thoughts on “Best generic 2mg klonopin pictures 2mg

  1. Nezil

    I am writing this post to warn all who are interested in taking any benzodiazepan - they can be extremely helpful but are incredibly physically addictive and often times your GP or prescribing physician does not inform you of that. I was taking Klonopin once a day at 1 MG for about 4 months and then I leaned how addictive it was and stopped cold turkey. My mistake - I narrowly avoided having a seizure and didn't sleep for almost a week or eat or anything due to the withdrawal. I went back to taking them and had a psychiatist wean me off of them, and I still experienced withdrawal symptons though not as bad. So, please be careful, only take it when you need it, and consult with a physician when you choose to stop taking it. I am currently taking it again - though only as needed, and no more than 3 times a week - because life stressors have been more than I can handle lately. So, just please be careful with this drug, it can be so helpful but in the long run the cure may be worse than the cause.

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