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By | 03.04.2018

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Best klonopin manufacturer roche bros easton -

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1 thoughts on “Best klonopin manufacturer roche bros easton

  1. Tujinn

    Started on Klonopin about 5 yrs. ago, in conjunction with Zoloft for depression combined with panic disorder. It absolutely worked miracles for controlling the panic disorder ( for some reason I prefer to call them anxiety attacks, sounds less severe). Initially I had been put on Celexa & Valium. At some point Zoloft replaced the Celexa, & Klonopin replaced the Valium. Good moves on both fronts. Then, Abilify was added. HUGE MISTAKE FOR ME. While initially I thought I felt better, it was almost like the 'manic' phase of bi-polar. I had a period of time where I made some bizarre life choices, became extremely selfish, but at the same time felt invincible. After one of those poor life choices backfired spectacularly, I made the connection to the Abilify. Switched psychiatrists, she took me off, & things have been much better since.

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