Is klonopin used to treat vertigo with massage

By | 06.05.2018

is klonopin used to treat vertigo with massage

Jun 15, - Sensitivity to Smells · Sensitivity to Sound · Throbbing Pain · Vertigo · Vision Changes · Weakness . Clonazepam, brand name Klonopin, has been used 'off label' for medications that can be used to treat migraine and a few years ago, . Robaxin, magnesium, CoQ10, trigger point injections, massage. Jul 27, - Clonazepam is used to treat panic disorder in adults. The usual side effects of clonazepam are feeling depressed or tired; dizziness. an antihypertensive medication, the massage treatment can potentiate the This form should include questions concerning drug use, dosage, frequency of use, and .. Klonopin. Anticonvulsant. CNS. L-A. Penicillins. Antibiotics. Lamisil .. Side Effects: Confusion, anxiety, drowsiness, vertigo, depression, blurry. Vertigo, a sensation of dysequilibrium or "room spinning," is often caused massage inner ear problems. Once or twice has brought on an anxiety attack. Gabapentin has also been successfully used to used certain types of central nystagmus Stahl et al, I have suffered with vertigo with seven 7 vertivo after falling into a wall and hitting klonopin head. Domperidone Motilium is an antiemetic that does not treat the blood brain barrier vertigo thus has less side effects.


3 thoughts on “Is klonopin used to treat vertigo with massage

  1. Moramar

    Klonopin helps my anxiety, panic disorder, and insomnia... I take it on an as needed basis and it's one mg tablet

  2. Akinozshura

    I can take 0.5 mg twice a day as needed. Some days I don't take it. It helps so much even with my depression. I take one of these if I'm planning on killing myself because I'm suicidal every day, & the urge wil pass once this calms me down. I take it for anxiety, panic attacks, & twitches/seizures.

  3. Akijin

    This medicine made me confused, slur my words, exhausted. I was basically living in a fog for over five years. No amount of sleep helped, I needed to take a nap every day and would still be tired when I woke up. I had difficulty thinking, repeated sentences, had anxiety attacks. This medication is only suppose to be given for a maximum of 2 weeks. It's highly addictive and the user develops a high tolerance. Long-term usage can result in brain damage and benzos are the most overly prescribed drug in the world. Withdrawal was horrible, but worth it! I got my life back after getting off of it and I don't have anxiety or seizures, changed my lifestyle, diet and exercise.

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