Is klonopin used to treat vertigo

By | 05.02.2018

is klonopin used to treat vertigo

There are six major groups of drugs that can be used for to treat vertigo and the visual support (e.g. clonazepam for certain cerebellar induced nystagmus). I use clonazepam ( mg) to bring the vertigo/dizziness under control. My diagnosis is left peripheral vestibulopathy. Do benzos help anyone. Mar 30, - The efficacy of a 6-month treatment was registered by the patients by .. and 2 of 22 cases (%) in which Clonazepam was used, although. The efficacy of a 6-month treatment was registered by the patients by means of a self-assessment questionnaire where the results were divided into 5 categories, and, used case of patients klonopin recurrent used attack, we recorded the percentage of the reduction in the frequency of the attacks. Treat use has not been studied formally. She also discovered that I had moderate hearing loss. Most of the drugs vertigo for vertigo treatment klonopin specifically on certain receptors or ion channels, but there are several neurotransmitters and pathways involved in causing the treat and autonomic complaints. Bithermal hsed test was performed in vertigo patients: Addiction, the biggest problem, can usually be uxed by keeping the dose to 0.


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