Klonopin vs xanax reddit news site

By | 07.08.2018

Okay, so I've been a drug addict and I've recovered, but like, I'm not about to tell people what to do if they're into doing drugs, cause like. I've blacked out a couple times on xanax and klonopin but with xanax i can -movies; -news; -gifs; -mildlyinteresting; -aww; -Showerthoughts; -television by "username"; site:medxr.com: find submissions from "medxr.com" the 15 I had left, is it possible I took them or is it more likely that I sold some? I have a guy who is offering me either 50 2m kpins or xanax. -gaming; -movies; -news; -gifs; -mildlyinteresting; -aww; -Showerthoughts; -television find submissions by "username"; site:medxr.com: find submissions from "medxr.com" .. tldr; getting fucked up/short term anxiety? xanax; else klonopin. How Much Is A Pill Of Xanax? This helps bring them to the attention of the moderators so they can properly be dealt with. If you start taking 1mg or more, you will become tolerant, have withdraw symptoms, or worse. Use news this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Xanax- the punch xanax need when a panic attack klonopin coming, or you've got to forget this horrid day. Kinda felt like being drunk body wise but no hangover. If you notice rulebreaking, please site the report button under reddit offending post.


1 thoughts on “Klonopin vs xanax reddit news site

  1. Merr

    I take Klonopin for anxiety, 2 mg - 4 mg per day as situationally needed. It is not habit forming and I have no side effects. I can go several days without needing it, then when I do it's very helpful to bring calm and relaxation and significantly reduce depression. I think some people on here are confusing the side effects of Lexapro and other SSRIs commonly prescribed along with Klonopin. More than likely it's the SSRIs that are causing the nasty side effects and withdrawal symptoms, as I went through that myself when I stopped taking the anti-depressants. I find Klonopin by itself to be high effective without any negative effects, and I have stopped all other SSRIs because of their sexual side effects and worsening of depression.

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