Klonopin vs xanax vs ativan vs valium

By | 01.07.2018

klonopin vs xanax vs ativan vs valium

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3 thoughts on “Klonopin vs xanax vs ativan vs valium

  1. Kicage

    I can take 0.5 mg twice a day as needed. Some days I don't take it. It helps so much even with my depression. I take one of these if I'm planning on killing myself because I'm suicidal every day, & the urge wil pass once this calms me down. I take it for anxiety, panic attacks, & twitches/seizures.

  2. Nikolmaran

    I was prescribed clonazepam by a VA psychiatrist because I was having jitteriness from an anti-depressant (Paxcil). He prescribed 2/mg/day. I had been having seizures - later diagnosed as psychogenic non epileptic seizures - for several years, and while taking clonazepam the seizure frequency was reduced, and almost completely stopped. All the regular epilepsy medications tried had NO effect, only clonazepam has been effective in reducing or stopping my seizures. Paxcil, strangely, made me increasingly violent until I stopped it.

  3. Fenrijar

    I have been on klonopin 4mg a day for four years. I have been passing out very frequently for the past 1 1/2 years, and after several tests the doctors decided it was all the meds I'm on. My Dr started with klonopin and dropped my dose 0.5mg and I ended up having a nervous breakdown. I don't know how I'm supposed to get off this medicine that I never asked to be put on. She stopped dropping the klonopin for now, and moved on to another medicine, but I'm still having withdrawal symptoms from the 0.5mg drop in klonopin. Does anyone know of any natural or vitamin remedies to deal with withdrawals? I know this is going to be a long drawn out process, and I need all the help I can get.

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