Klonopin overdose amount xanax alprazolam

By | 02.10.2018

klonopin overdose amount xanax alprazolam

Klonopin overdose amount xanax alprazolam -

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3 thoughts on “Klonopin overdose amount xanax alprazolam

  1. Nikojinn

    This drug helped, but beware. If you take this longer than 2 weeks. You will have major problems getting off. Check out benzobuddies.org before you take this. Your welcome.

  2. Tasho

    I've been taking 1mg of Klonopin daily for 3.5 years, after the sudden death of my father. At the time, my anxiety was a 10 and Klonopin allowed me to continue working and raising my 4 kids. I consider Klonopin an absolute miracle drug that probably saved my life. My psychiatrist, and 2 other consulted doctors, don't express the least amount of concern about using 1 mg of Klonopin daily perhaps indefinitely. However, I went 42 years without taking a prescription drug and it really is my hope to not need Klonopin for much longer. The notion that Benzos should not be taken beyond 4 weeks is purely irrational. Find a good doctor!!!

  3. Doushura

    I have tried every medication under the sun for anxiety! I was born anxious I have always said. My doctor put me on Klonopin as more of a long term anxiety medication in her mind. It was such a miracle for me. I was prescribed 1mg x 2 at night, if needed for anxiety and Insomnia, at the time of my divorce. I found I was able to wake up the next day without feeling groggy if I had taken it the night before. When the panic and anxiety set in, it allowed me to calm down and get through the hardest moments. I only take it once in a while these days, but it truly helped me.

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