Can i bring asthma inhaler on plane

By | May 11, 2020

can i bring asthma inhaler on plane

My partner has to use an inhaler for asthma, would he be allowed to carry it in hand luggage on a flight to Thailand via Dubai, or does it need to be packed in the suitcase. I have no specific knowledge about the airline you mentioned but I cannot imagine why inhalers would be specifically mentioned?? Never pack any necessary medications in checked luggage, especially an asthma inhaler! And especially an asthma inhaler that must be used times a day. I use Emirates frequently and have always carried my salbutamol inhaler in my handbag – never a problem. Also take a copy of your prescription – handy should you need to get replacement meds for any reason whilst abroad. You can actually buy salbutamol ventolin over the counter in Dubai pharmacies including the ones at DXB T3.

Featured on Meta. You should have an emergency action plan from your nurse or doctor on how to manage an asthma attack. Are asthma inhalers allowed in hand luggage? If you have severe asthma, the reduced air pressure in an airplane cabin can be a problem. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers.

My hubby has just been prescribed 2 Asthma inhalers and we fly to Spain in a few weeks time from Manchester. I always carry my inhalers and never had a problem. Just keep them seperate and show them when you go through security and all will be fine. I don’t even put mine in theplastic bag, although I know some people do. Yes they are allowed but I always take mine out of my purse and lay it on top when I go through security. I recently had to take a nebulizer to NZ and i took it out of my pack back, along with the vials of meds. I had a prescription for both.

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