Nopalea Combats the Silent Killer

By | September 10, 2016

Inflammation has been called the silent killer ever since Time Magazine revealed the immune response system as the possible underlying cause of everything from Alzheimer’s to Cancer.

Nopalea Juice – made from the Prickly Pear Cactus – is an all-natural anti-inflammatory. Researchers are looking at the connection between the cactus and its ability to reduce and relieve inflammation.

The Time Magazine article showed that there was a link between chronic inflammation and diseases and ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and a host of other pesky and/or deadly conditions.

The way it works is that while inflammation is the body’s super immune response to infections and invaders, the inflammation sometimes sticks around much longer than it is needed. When it does this, it ends up attacking a healthy body. This process, this chronic inflammation, is what scientists believe might lead to other diseases.

The Prickly Pear Cactus is becoming world famous for its medicinal qualities. It not only helps those who drink it maintain optimum cellular health right now, but it helps stave off future problems with disease.

The cactus has been used as both a food and medicine for generations. This native Sonoran plant grows rampant in desert climes. It is believed that its use dates back to the time of the Aztecs. Its growth has spread throughout North America and you can even find the plant grown and harvested on other continents. It is thought that Spaniards were so taken with the plant and its multi uses that the cactus was brought back to Spain hundreds of years ago.

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Nopalea probably got its name because the cactus it comes from is also known as the Nopal Cactus. Before the juice from the cactus was naturally sweetened with agave nectar and called Nopalea, any Mexican citizen could find the juice in its natural form in any cafĂ©. But it wasn’t quite as appealing as it is now. Then, it was more of a slimy green juice. Now it is a brilliant orange sunset colored drink that is sweetened with extracts and concentrates from dozens of fruits such as kiwi, apple and blueberry. It contains betalains – which are powerful antioxidants. In addition, it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

The illustrious Dr. Oz showed how the prickly pear cactus could combat spikes in blood sugar levels that lead to diabetes. He did a demonstration on his show simulating what happens when the cactus is ingested and then sugar is added to it. Without the cactus, the sugar rushes into the bloodstream. The cactus is so intensely fibrous that it slows and regulates how quickly the sugar enters the bloodstream.

On another episode of his show, Oz also spoke of how the prickly pear cactus is a natural remedy for the awful symptoms of overindulging in alcohol. The natural ability to hydrate the body can squash the hangover symptoms.

So it appears that Nopalea Juice can be used for a plethora of health benefits to relieve everything from mild discomfort to the possibly deadly affects of inflammation – the silent killer.

Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about the health benefits of Betalains contained in Nopalea Juice for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea relieves inflammation in the plant’s homeland. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

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