Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Its Cause and Therapies

By | October 25, 2016

Sleep apnea is a widespread disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.


Breathing interruption can last from a few seconds to almost a minute. They usually take place 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Usually, normal breathing then starts again, occasionally with a noisy choking sound.

Sleep apnea normally is an ongoing problem that breaks your sleep. You frequently leave deep sleep and go into light sleep when your respiration interrupts or becomes shallow.

This create poor sleep quality that makes you strained in the daytime. Sleep apnea is the main origin of excessive daytime fatigue.

Sleep apnea usually occurs undiagnosed. Medical practitioners normally could not discover the syndrome during usual visits. Besides that, there are no x-ray examinations for the condition.

Many people who suffered from sleep apnea don’t know about it because it exclusively happens when they sleep. A family member may first notice the signs of sleep apnea.

The most common kind of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. This simply means that the respiratory tract has narrowed down or is obstructed during sleep. The blockage may cause shallow breathing or breathing interruptions.

When you attempt to breathe, any air that pasts through the blockage can cause loud snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea is quite common in people who are have weight problems, but it could affect anyone. For example, kids may have increased tonsil tissues in their necks, which can induce obstructive sleep apnea.

Treatment method

With oral exercises, the air passage may be less likely to narrow down entirely and become blocked when you sleep.

Read More:  The Sleep Cycle

These are a few of the typical exercises:

Tongue exercises: Tongue is a muscle. If the tongue is soft it can fall into the throat and cause airway obstruction. Tongue exercises might help to build the tongue’s strength.

Jaw exercises: A tense jaw could contribute to the occurence of obstructive sleep apnea. If the jaw is tight it can exert pressure on the breathing passages directly. Jaw exercises can untighten and relax the jaw tissues.

Throat exercises: If respiratory tract muscles are soft, they can collapse during sleep and shut off the respiratory tract. Throat exercises assist to tone and reinforce your Respiratory tract tissues. The exercises also open the throat up larger to prevent it from narrowing down when you sleep.

Soft palate exercises: The soft palate muscles surrounding the base of the tongue might relax when you sleep. A weak soft palate might go around and its end can drop onto the tongue. The soft palate exercises lift the soft palate up.

Facial exercises: These exercises assist to build and reinforce the above mentioned body parts, which include the neck. If the neck muscles are soft they can drop down on the throat.

Louis Kwok is a snoring sufferor who is keen on researching about sleep apnea exercises and snoring remedies.

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