Sleep Apnea Can Cause Poor Sleep Quality And Even Death

By | October 29, 2016

Sleep apnea looks like something you can never recover from but it’s readily explained as a interruption in respiration while a person is asleep. There are distinct levels of sleep apnea condition as well as other contributing factors that can cause a sudden ceasation in breathing while sleeping. In order to throw some light on this sleep disorder it is of essential importance to remember the forms, the various symptoms and the treatments.

The various forms of sleep apnea immediately associated with sleeping are central, obstructive, mixed and complex sleep apnea. All of these types of sleep apnea have their own unique set of symptoms and in general all of these types of sleep apnea cause breaks in a good night’s rest. This disruption in the brain patterns of sleep can cause a person to be unable to get a decent night’s sleep although the person might be in bed for perfectly normal lengths of time.

Obstructive apnea is the most common of the types to be diagnosed and happens when throat muscles become too lax during the sleep cycle. This causes the throat to close and as result breathing is obstructive. This is commonly found when a person has a chest infection and isn’t a life threatening condition, however, if it persists then treatment is necessary to prevent complications. Dangerous conditions that can occur with obstructive can include a type of congestive heart failure.

Central sleep apnea is the result of a lag in the nervous system where the nerves do not respond fast enough to levels of carbon dioxide and this makes it hard to breath steady during sleep. This causes a jerky pattern that occurs between each breath like one’s breathing is “bucking”. Though this condition could cause the brain to be oxygen starved and cause damage to the brain or even death, this is rare.

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It is possible to obtain a mixture of both obstructive and central provided certain environmental factors occur that encourage both conditions to exist at the same time. Newly discovered is complex apnea which occurs when obstructive apnea is successfully treated but the central form endures.

For each form of apnea treatment options involve introducing positive airflow into the system at a steady pace. This approach ensures the symptoms of the problem don’t harm the body further by providing the body with enough oxygen to prevent the symptoms of any of the types from occurring, however, this treatment works only for obstructive apnea. It is good to know that there is a new dental procedure that has been recently introduced which is a promising development for treating apnea.

Altering your resting positions seems to help more with central and mixed in addition to other treatment options, which include a number of surgical procedures that open the airway for a better shape and smoother airflow. This helps to prevent symptoms from reoccurring. It is not difficult once you know what a disorder is to discover a mixture of complex and simple solutions to solving it.

For More Information on Sleep Apnea Visit Our Blog

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