what klonopin does

yep. Taken from: http://www.unreal-life.com/magazine/mixes/unreal-radio-haunted-springs/ this wonderful mix. check out the whole thing, it’s really nice! UnReal puts out amazing stuff in general. If anyone involved wants me to delete this from YouTube, I will do so. Video Rating: / 5

Clonazepam/klonopin review.

This is a medication that I’ve been on for about 11-12 years, and has been a life saver for my severe anxiety. In this video I tell you my experience with it , and some of the dangers as well. Thanks for watching ! Ps- I accidentally said that I take 5mg!! I meant 0.5!!

Why I’m holding at 1mg Klonopin

I have to take care of my kids and my husband has to work. I can’t take care of my kids tapering, learned that the hard way last year. Lost everything. Nearly lost my kids, and took a while to get everything back that I do have. In a tough painful spot here. Video Rating:… Read More »