Best Ways to Prevent Prolonged Pain after Tooth Extraction

By | February 28, 2021

Tooth extraction is an oral surgery done by removing the tooth and is performed by dentists for many reasons. Some reasons are listed below:

  • Gum disease
  • Dental cavities
  • Trauma or injury to a tooth
  • Dental infections
  • Wisdom teeth complications
  • Prepare for dental braces
  • Baby teeth not falling on its own

There are many types of tooth extraction, and the right type for you depends upon the size, shape, location, and position of the tooth in the mouth. There are mainly three types

  1. Simple extraction

It involves a tooth that is visible above the gums, and the dentist removes a single piece.

  1. Surgical extraction

This type of extraction involves the removal of gum tissue, bone, or else both. It is a bit complicated compared to a simple extraction.

  1. Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth is the type of extraction that is generally first to be performed as in many people they are impacted. It is the most common procedure in oral surgery.

Prolonged Pain after Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is necessary when a person’s tooth become diseased or is damaged in an accident. It is also necessary when there is excessive crowding in the patient’s mouth. However, some extractions are safe, and in a few cases, complications arise like bone infection after tooth extraction, which causes prolonged pain after tooth extraction. Some common reasons why tooth extraction is necessary:

Tooth decay

The primary reason is when there is decay in the tooth or cavity is formed in the tooth. When a person’s teeth are not properly cleaned, and food remains in the gap, bacteria develop. Because of this, teeth get weakened and lose its structure. Dentists suggest tooth extraction in cases where there is a chance to spread this decay to neighboring teeth.

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Wisdom teeth removal

This type of tooth extraction is done when there is an infection in wisdom teeth. It is the most common condition, and the doctor will suggest tooth extraction when there is a condition termed as impact wisdom teeth. In this case, the dentist will remove the impacted teeth by proper surgical procedure.

Gum disease

Gum disease affects the bone and gums, patients as experience inflammation and reddening. If not treated for this condition, whole gum and bone can get affected.


If people have overcrowding teeth problem, then the dentist will suggest a tooth extraction. Due to overcrowding, there is not enough space for teeth, and then tooth extraction is the best option.

Accident or trauma

When accident-related injuries occur to the oral region, teeth become dislodged because the force dentist suggests tooth extraction. After surgery, dentists will guide you on the food to be consumed and other measures that should be followed to fasten the healing process.

dry socket pain relief

If you are worried about how long pain lasts after tooth extraction, you should know that everybody is different. So the pain after tooth extraction varies from person to person. In some cases, pains go on its own after a few days, but some pain lasts a bit longer. Usually, the tooth extraction healing time is about two weeks. This is because new tissue will take time to grow. During this period patient should apply ice to reduce swelling and also wash mouth with saltwater.

If in some cases, the patient experiences prolonged pain after tooth extraction, especially following the healing of bone and tissue, then it is a matter of worry. There are several reasons for the prolonged pain after extraction:

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Sinus Perforation

A gap after tooth extraction leads to direct communication amongst your mouth and your sinus through the socket from which your tooth was removed. A blood clot should form in after tooth extraction to close that opening. There are some precautions you must take to prevent sinus perforation after tooth extraction.

  • The clot is responsible for the closure of perforation.
  • Avoid blowing nose as it will create pressure and will force clot out of the socket.
  • Do not smoke, and if you do, never blow smoke from the nose.
  • Do not miss the medications prescribed by the dentist.


After any dental procedure or tooth extraction, there are chances that bacteria enter the body. Some infection in the mouth includes

In a few cases, patients develop a bone infection, so prolonged pain after tooth extraction. The medical term for it is Osteomyelitis, though it is a rare condition. This condition occurs when the opening after a tooth extraction is contaminated, and the infection spreads to the underlying bone. The main symptoms include:

  • Swelling or tenderness
  • Warmth or redness
  • Fever

throbbing pain after wisdom tooth extraction

Dry socket

There is a chance of a dry socket after tooth extraction, and the pain will develop after three days following the extraction. Usually, a blood clot forms in the area so that it heals. However, dry socket is not common after tooth extraction, but some factors increase its risk. Dry socket pain usually begins a day or two following extraction.

  • To prevent dry socket after tooth extraction
  • If you want to prevent dry socket following tooth extraction:
  • Do not smoke for at least one week.
  • Avoid hot drinks like coffee, soda, or other acidic beverages.
  • Avoid injury after extraction.
  • Avoid consuming food that can be stuck, like seeds, nuts, etc.
  • Avoid birth control pills.
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Tooth extraction is an oral surgery performed to remove a tooth from the mouth. There are many reasons that people require tooth extraction that ranges from crowded teeth to infection. After tooth extraction, the dentist places gauze over the area to help control bleeding, promoting clotting and cure throbbing pain after wisdom tooth extraction. Aftercare following tooth extraction varies and entirely depends upon that the tooth that is extracted has deeper roots or not.

Generally, patients find that pain decreases after three to four days. The main thing that should be taken care of after tooth extraction is the blood clot in the tooth’s area before the extraction. It is necessary to take care of this clot as the healing process will depend on that.

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