Tips on Getting a Good Night Sleep

By | August 2, 2016

Sufficient sleep is vital to your health. Several studies suggest that people who are sleep deprived are more likely to develop unwanted health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and depression. If you have trouble falling asleep or you often wake up during the night, here are some tips that can help you get a restful and good night sleep:

Make Yourself Comfortable before Going to Sleep
There’s a reason why many people love to take a shower before going to sleep. Getting yourself cleaned before going to bed can rid your body of dirt and odor that can make you feel uncomfortable and affect your ability to fall asleep easily. You also feel relaxed and refreshed when you take a shower before going to your bed. If you always leave your lights on when you sleep, try to switch them off and see if sleeping in the dark can get you a good night’s sleep. The body is more comfortable to rest in pitch darkness so you might as well try to check out if switching off the lights in your room can get you to fall asleep more easily. You should also try to invest in a comfortable bed, pillows and linens so you do not wake up with an aching back or stiff neck in the morning.

Watch What You Eat and Drink
What you eat and drink can affect how well you sleep at night so be cautious with your diet. There are certain foods that can prevent you from getting a good sleep. Do avoid drinking coffee, tea and soda later in the day because these contain caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that can give you an energy boost during the day but can affect your sleep when consumed late at night. Consuming foods your body is allergic to can also cause insomnia.

Read More:  How to Fall Asleep Fast Through Lifestyle Changes

See a Sleep Disorder Specialist
Health conditions may also disrupt your sleep and prevent you from getting adequate rest during the night. If you have sleep apnea, for example, you may frequently wake up during the night because of abnormal breathing. You therefore wake up in the morning still feeling tired. The best thing you can do about this is to see a Sleep Apnea Camarillo doctor that can help you with your condition. You can visit a reputable clinic that treats Obstructive Sleep Apnea Thousand Oaks to get help with your sleep problems.

The medical center of Sleep Apnea Camarillo is board certified in sleep disorders medicine by both the ABSM and the ABIM. The best thing about our professionals is, we provide our services in a friendly environment.

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