Watery Diarrhea Causes

By | April 9, 2018

Diarrhea is a condition in which a person experiences a frequent watery stool against the normal stool or you can say that a person undergoes a loose stool frequently. Diarrhea itself is a disease under different condition or it is being related with the various digestive problems and it is one of their symptoms. When my kids had watery diarrhea they looked so pale. They had a colorless face and a wasted appearance. Like there was nothing left inside them. This watery diarrhea knocked them for a loop. This watery diarrhea made me feel so helpless. Hopefully you never went through this with your kids. But if you did you know how punishing this can be.

It can be defined in various ways, but most people define their diarrhea as ‘going to the toilet to open your bowels either too frequently or producing loose to watery stools’. Technically, the diagnosis is made if the stool weight is greater than 250g a day, although in practice this is rarely confirmed. There are many causes of fecal incontinence. The condition occurs when something is wrong within the complex mechanisms of the body that maintain continence. Continence depends on functioning muscles and nerves in and around the rectum and anal canal.

Suppository may also be given along with bowel retraining program so that regular movement will be established once again. After the medication, dietary measure should be observed. Eating more fiber containing foods should be your main meal. Whole wheat grains, vegetables and fruits should be the main course instead of meat and burger. Depending on the cause, a person may have a fever or even bloody stool. Later symptoms can be similar to hemorrhoid symptoms, as both may cause rectal bleeding, itching or burning. Diarrhea can be temporary (acute), like an infection, or a long-term (chronic) problem.

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Diarrhea may come with mucus, or undigested food in the stool, cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, or an urgent need to use the toilet. Because of the causes of diarrhea the person may have a fever or bloody stools. It happens when food and fluids consumed passes too quickly or in large an amount or both through the colon. The colon absorbs the liquids from the food you eat, leaving a semisolid stool. Some of the people suffering from IBS, experience only a single symptom like constipation. This is characterized by straining or cramping with only minimal amount of stool released. Some people experience mucus, which moistens digestive tracts, released in their stool along with bowel.

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