Back Pain in Orlando Community

The city of Orlando is a famous city in central Florida, USA. Almost about 220,186 residents are present in this historical county seat of Florida. Pain in the lower back or low back pain in Orlando population is a frequent fear, upsetting up to more than 90{0ad59209ba3ce7f48e71d4a0dc628eee9b107ea7079661ded2b3bda89b047a8b} of Americans at some stage in their lifetime.… Read More »

How To Treat Delayed Sleep Syndrome

Delayed sleep syndrome is a situation in which the major sleep episode is delayed by two or more hours of the desired bedtime. This results in posing difficulty to a person to wake up on scheduled time in morning. Every person has his/her own internal clock which is mostly described as biological clock. In this… Read More »

5 Ways To Ease Root Canal Pain

Root canal pain is the pain you experience after having a root canal done at the dentists office. Basically a root canal is the removal of bacteria and the root of the tooth. The hollowed out tooth is then filled in to prevent further bacteria from entering the tooth and further decay damage. Modern dentistry… Read More »

Sleep Apnea: A Dangerous Disorder

Sleep apnea affects millions of people yet many of the people aren’t treated. This partly because many people don’t realize they suffer from the sleep disorder. However, other people simply don’t realize how serious the condition can be, especially if ignored for too long. Sleep apnea is a condition resulting from the inability to properly… Read More »

Common Medications for Dental Pain (Part 2)

In part 1, nonnarcotic pain medications for dental pain are discussed. Dentists use these medications for relieving mild to moderate oral pain. This article describes the narcotic medications. For moderate to severe dental pain, the typical medications are: * Tramadol (Ultram), 50mg every 6 hours as needed for pain.* Tramadol with acetaminophen (Ultracet, containing 37.5… Read More »