Can diabetes kill a cat

By | May 15, 2020

can diabetes kill a cat

Feline diabetes is remarkably similar to diabetes in people: it comes in two types, it can be recognized by a characteristic set of signs and it often requires careful management. While some cases of diabetes are hard to prevent, you can lower your cat’s risk and keep her healthy through exercise and good nutrition. Feline diabetes occurs when a cat develops high blood sugar due to a deficiency in insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas an organ located in the middle of your cat’s abdomen below her stomach. Insulin lowers blood sugar levels by moving sugar from the bloodstream into cells where it is needed. Proper blood sugar levels are important because it determines the amount of glucose a major source of energy for the body your cat’s cells receive.

My dog has diabetic since 2 months I started with 2 insulin per day. Someone on this site said something to the effect that ALL family members are affected when your dog is diagnosed with diabetes. I join support groups to get help and direction on what to do in situations. Kidney disease, an overactive thyroid gland, liver disease and urinary tract infections can all have similar presenting signs and look the same outwardly to the veterinarian. That is sad and it is wrong. So, even though you choose to treat and spend a ton of money to keep your companion it may only buy you a few months, maybe a year as in my case.

According to recent statistics diabetes has become increasingly common in cats in the last ten years. Something is very wrong! While the exact incidence is unknown, the number of diabetic cats is increasing at an alarming rate due to the tremendous increase in the number of overweight and obese cats. Cats that eat cheap cat food based on wheat, oats, rice and corn carbohydrates — despite being genetically adapted meat eaters — risk becoming fat AND getting diabetes. The cat will become both sick and fat from new industrial foods filled with easily digested carbohydrates.

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