Can arthritis flare up from stress

By | June 18, 2020

can arthritis flare up from stress

The extra cortisol allows the body to cope with the stress. Remember, like any habit, learning to relax takes time to become automatic. Currently this program is for the adult arthritis community. Realize that muscle tension drains your energy and can increase your pain. Reducing carbohydrates in the diet is a great way to lose weight and improve health. This article looks at 10 common myths and misconceptions in the alternative nutrition community. Aromatherapy may also help.

Saying “no” to people is important and you shouldn’t feel guilty when you do. You may also find relief by working with a therapist or mental health counselor on strategies to reduce stress in your everyday life. Stress can cause arthritis flares — and arthritis flares can cause stress. The best solution is to manage stress before it can undermine disease management and quality of live. You control your diet weight exercise and attitude for example. Which one is it?

Tips for managing stress Try to avoid situations you know create stress. Think about a place you have been where you once felt pleasure or comfort. CBT focuses on changing the way you think about a situation so that your feelings about the situation and your behavior will change. Thank you for sharing. Remember, like any habit, learning to relax takes time to become automatic.

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