Front Squat Is More Than Just A Killer Ab Workout!

By | August 24, 2016

I think that today very few people squat regularly. You don’t see many gym goers using this killer ab workout. If your goal is to achieve maximum strength, and get beautiful quads and six-pack abs, then you’ll just have to incorporate the front squat. Here’re a couple of reasons why you have to squat for a lean, hard, athletic physique.

There are many reasons why you should do the front squat:

1)Big Quads – It’s an excellent movement to get bigger quads. I can’t think of a better one. The front squat puts more emphasis on your legs, because the position is more vertical.

2)Rock-solid abs – Your total core gets the best exercise, because you are holding the weight in front of you. That means that you have to stabilize the weight by standing straight and using your abs.

Front squats have more benefits than just creating the ideal body. You’ll get more balanced and your stabilizer muscles will get a really great workout. So, why not do more in less time?

Major reasons why you must do a front squat:
The first one is that you learn how to do other lifts better, because the bar is placed on your shoulders, and it’s very similar to other exercises, which include lifts and presses.

For example, Power Cleans, Overhead Presses, Overhead Squats, and all the other exercises require the exact same starting position. So keep doing the front squat as it will help your other exercise routines.

The second one is that you lower your risk of a back injury. If you do the regular squat with bad form, it’s possible that you’ll experience a back pain issue. The great thing about the front squat is that it’s self-correcting. If you are doing it incorrectly, you’ll just drop the bar, and will not proceed in a wrong technique. So we can say that is a great workout because, it forces a good form.

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If you can achieve the same result with lighter weights than do it, because it’s safer for your body. The front squat is a heavier exercise than the regular squat so you don’t need the same amount of weight.

And the most important, your back is in a more natural position when you perform this exercise, so it’s healthier over the long run.

Thanks for reading this article !
If you want to know more about this Killer Ab Workout, then visit our Exercise On Abs website!

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