Definition of flu who

By | May 3, 2020

definition of flu who

Retrieved 12 June To prevent transmission, people should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, and wash their hands regularly. Minus Related Pages. Influenza can be spread in three main ways: [94] [95] by direct transmission when an infected person sneezes mucus directly into the eyes, nose or mouth of another person ; the airborne route when someone inhales the aerosols produced by an infected person coughing, sneezing or spitting and through hand-to-eye, hand-to-nose, or hand-to-mouth transmission, either from contaminated surfaces or from direct personal contact such as a handshake. These infections can manifest in a broad range of clinical symptoms from mild disease to death. Archived from the original on 26 January

Archived from the original on 17 March Perspectives in Health Magazine. This includes people 65 years and older, people of any age with certain chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, pregnant women, and children younger than 5 years. For countries considering the initiation or expansion of programmes for seasonal influenza vaccination, WHO recommends that pregnant women should have the highest priority. They can be used in the reporting of the conditions under surveillance, the monitoring of geographical and temporal variations in prevalence, the detection of the increases in incidence that may be indicative of outbreaks and the evaluation of the effectiveness of control and response efforts.

Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses which circulate in all parts of the world. There are 4 types of seasonal influenza viruses, types A, B, C and D. Influenza A and B viruses circulate and cause seasonal epidemics of disease. Seasonal influenza is characterized by a sudden onset of fever, cough usually dry, headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise feeling unwell, sore throat and a runny nose. The cough can be severe and can last 2 or more weeks. Most people recover from fever and other symptoms within a week without requiring medical attention. But influenza can cause severe illness or death especially in people at high risk see below. Illnesses range from mild to severe and even death. Hospitalization and death occur mainly among high risk groups.

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Something flu definition who of means notRetrieved 12 December However, in highly virulent strains, such as H5N1, the hemagglutinin can be cleaved by a wide variety of proteases, allowing the virus to spread throughout the body. Skip to main content.
Definition of flu who remarkable ratherAs influenza is caused by a variety of species flu strains of viruses, in any given year definition strains can die out while others create epidemics, while yet another strain can cause a pandemic. This meeting announcement and who relates to the influenza vaccines for use in the forthcoming northern hemisphere influenza season. Rationale: These symptoms are not sufficiently specific, do not add to the accuracy of the definition and are often misinterpreted.
Consider of flu who definition something Earlier thoughtMorbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. There are tests available to diagnose flu. A fourth family of influenza viruses was identified in — Influenza D.

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