Tag Archives: Anxiety

Recognizing Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety and Depression related disorders are the most common psychological maladies in the United States. Anxiety is not restricted to the adult population however. Many children experience anxiety that often goes untreated because it is not recognized or treated. Read on to find out how to learn about anxiety disorders, recognize anxiety in children, and… Read More »

Living With Anxiety – Cope or Cure?

Most people that live in modern societies live under stress producing conditions. Learning to recognize and cope with anxiety are keys to successful living. Many proclaim to have cures for anxiety. Anxiety can’t be completely cured but it can be treated successfully. Anxiety is a naturally occurring emotion required for survival. Anxiety in high levels… Read More »

What Can I Do About Anxiety?

For many years one of the biggest problems some people face is nervousness and anxiety. To the onlooker, who only experiences mild nervousness every now and then, it doesn’t seem like much of a problem. However, to the person fighting extreme nervousness, complete with attacks of anxiety and/or panic, it seems like an insurmountable problem!… Read More »