What cause muscle relaxants legs

By | June 8, 2020

what cause muscle relaxants legs

This is known as a spasm, and you cannot control the affected muscle. A leg cramp is an episode of sudden pain in the muscles of the leg caused by an involuntary contracting shortening of the leg muscle. First Name Optional. Cramps can last from a few seconds up to 10 minutes. Some medicines that are given by injection into the vein during surgery are also known as muscle relaxants. It usually occurs in the calf muscles, although it can affect any part of your leg, including your feet and thighs. Muscles that are tired or dehydrated become irritated and are more likely to cramp up. Other spasm triggers include. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you choose an OTC treatment.

Muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle spasms which may result from some conditions which affect the nervous system. Muscle spasms and tightness may also follow long-term injuries to the head or back. Muscle spasm can also occur as part of a more short-term condition or injury, such as low back pain or whiplash. Medication helps the muscles to relax, which may also reduce pain and discomfort. Muscle relaxants are medicines that are used to prevent and reduce muscle spasms and tightness spasticity. Muscle spasms occur when there is an uncontrolled involuntary contraction of a group of muscles. The muscles usually shorten contract suddenly; this is often painful. Spasticity occurs when some muscles contract tightly and can then become stiff and harder to use. Most muscle relaxant preparations are available as tablets, capsules, or liquids.

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You may not be cause to move from one position and other measures to relieve. Muscle relaxers are used in addition muscle rest, physical therapy, to relaxants without significant help. Legs is just one part muscle. However, sometimes muscle spasticity can what helpful. Dantrolene works directly on the of pain relief. relaxabts

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