What You Need to do with Sleep Apnea

By | October 24, 2016

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by frequent breathing stops, often more than a minute. Each of these breathless episodes of apnea is called an event that may occur more frequently than a hundred times a night. Consequences of sleep apnea can be life-threatening, such as hypertension, stroke, and heart diseases. Many sleep apnea remedies are available, ranging from changes in lifestyle and of course oral surgery equipment. With the three kinds of sleep apnea, the most common is obstructive, which is when the tissue of the tongue or relaxed throat muscles blocks the airway. Lifestyle changes, the less invasive remedies for sleep apnea is the first step to alleviate sleep apnea. These changes usually are losing weight, avoiding alcohol, reducing caffeine and smoking cessation.

Position adjustment is another sleep apnea non-invasive remedy. Avoid sleeping on your back, but instead try sleeping on his stomach or side. Sleeping on your back allows your tongue to relax against the back of the throat and blocks the airways. Regarding the side and stay there can help prevent clogging. Use pillows to keep the head may also help, as a solid object like a tennis ball, lined up behind their backs to avoid rolling over during sleep.

Oral devices, moderately invasive, can also be used as remedies for sleep apnea. Devices ranging from simple oral implants placed in the mouth during sleep to prevent the tongue from obstructing the airway, the use of CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP uses a medical pump that is attached to flexible tube attached to a mask covering the nose or mouth or both. With this mask, the CPAP pumps a stream of air through the mouth during sleep keeps the airway open.

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Mandibular advancement splint (MAS), which is similar to a mouthguard use in sports, sleep apnea is a device that keeps the lower jaw slightly down and forward to help prevent the tongue blocking the airway. Recent advances in oral appliance theory, shows that language is the primary point of jam without traveling to the lungs a major factor in sleep apnea. New, affordable devices sleep apnea is now seen as a tongue forward, eliminating the need for costly options or a physician. Food and Drug Administration approves four pm oral appliances to treat sleep apnea. Not only is sleep apnea, these devices are provided with a prescription, but must also be approved by the FDA prior to sale.

Some scientists believe that sleep apnea is a neurological disorder. The basis of this condition is the fact that the tongue and soft palate to stimulate their muscles, which leads to excessive relaxation and blocking the airway. Some studies have tried to use pacemaker sleep apnea devices, their programming to detect respiratory effort, and then deliver an electrical stimulus when needed. This is not a common mode of treatment for sleep apnea, but the use of pacemakers and the like is an active research area for the devices for sleep apnea.

Find out more about sleep test , please visit http://mysleepapneatestinfo.com

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