Creamy Cauliflower Spinach

By | June 12, 2019

Want a quick and simple side dish that is packed with healthy nutrients? Try this Creamy Cauliflower Spinach.

I grew up in the midwest and creamed spinach was a staple in our household — it was an easy way for my parents to try to get us to eat our vegetables yet I remember adding a lot of butter and cheese to it to get by, but hey, props to my parents trying their best!

Creamy Cauliflower Spinach

In theory, it’s a great idea especially when you realize how much spinach actually has to be cooked down in order to get just a small 1/2 cup of creamed spinach, it’s a lot. Therefore, spinach is a great side dish to add to any meal, adult or kid-alike, to boost the vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, iron, calcium, fiber, and more.

Many of the recipes on Nutrition Stripped are inspired by my Midwest childhood, sustainability values from my husbands family (and Dutch foods), going out to eat, and exploring other dishes that I love and respect from other cultures. Yet I always try to put my own spin on them, whether that means saving time, making them more nutrient-dense, using them as inspiration, or making the recipes simple, all without sacrificing flavor.

For this dish, you’ll puree cauliflower and spinach together to get a deliciously creamy texture without having to use heavy cream and large portions of butter which are closer to the traditional creamed spinach recipe.

Vegetables Are Boring


We hear people (and clients) say the reason they don’t consume vegetables is that they’re boring or taste bland. My answer to that is they probably haven’t cooked them or seasoned them well enough! Vegetables are full of flavor and add a fantastic texture depending on the cooking and preparation method such as grating, slicing, and chopping. In addition to how you cook the vegetables and how you prepare them is how you season vegetables.

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Something as simple as seasoning with sea salt, black pepper, fresh garlic, lemon, fresh or dried herbs can make the world of difference from a plain ole’ salad and one that is bursting with flavor. I promise, vegetables can be exciting and a part of every meal you can start getting excited about.

Not just a side dish

Is versatility what you’re after? Well, you’re in luck! This Creamy Cauliflower Spinach goes amazingly well with your favorite protein choice. Whether it’s chicken, tempeh or our favorite Crispy Tofu, just prepare however you like and combine, it’s that easy!



Cauliflower contains compounds that some studies have shown may provide protection against certain types of cancer. Cauliflower also contains antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation, provide cardiovascular benefits, improve digestive health (sulforaphane found in cauliflower helps protect the digestive lining and prevents bacterial overgrowth such as H. pylori.), and detoxification support (phase I and phase II).

Although cauliflower hasn’t been individually studied, diets containing cauliflower and other members cruciferous vegetable family have been studied most in relation to cancer protection. As with most fruits and vegetables, broccoli contains great amounts of fiber which help our digestive system moving, keeps us fuller for a longer period of time, and releases a steady flow of energy into our bodies.

Nutrition Stripped